Friday, May 31, 2019
Mysteries of the Virus :: essays research papers
Introduction to viruses For centuriessubmicroscopic organisms, also known as viruses,that grow and multiply at different rates inside of acell, soak up been circulating our planet.1 The cellproduces the various, essential components of thevirus. These components are 1) DNA or RNAnucleic acids, which are the genes of the virus.Viral particles posses either DNA strands or RNAstrands, but never both in contrast bacterialinfections contain both. The amount of DNA/RNAin a virus changes depending on the type of virus.2) A protein which is passing important in ahazardous virus because is provides a strong,protective barrier as the virus passes from cell tocell.2 Viruses do not contain the enzymes andmetabolous pressures needed for self-duplication.The missing components are taken from the hostcells they infect. Replication begins when the virusenters the cell. The enzymes remove the coat ofthe virus, and the RNA or DNA particles come in hit with the ribosomes in the cell. The virusthen f inds the protein by using the nucleic acid.Several new RNA or DNA strands are made.Once the cell has exceeded the maximum totof strands, it then bursts open and the newparticles find new host cells. The process is thenrepeated.3 The following is a list of the many waysviruses can be classified 1.) Whether viralparticles contain RNA or DNA strands. In somecases there are retroviruses. That is when a RNAvirus enters the cell, then converts to a DNA virus.2.) Whether the genome is single stranded ordouble stranded 3.) For single stranded RNAviruses, the code for a protein could be positivestranded or negative stranded. 4.) The genomemay be linear or circular and may be in a singlesegment or multiple segments. 5.) The surface andoverall shape of the virus. 6.) The effects of theviruses.4 Viruses can directly cause damage to thecells by seizing the cells metabolic resourcesand/or by producing toxic components whichinterfere with their sane functions. These viruseswill generally make w hat is known as a cytopathiceffect (CPE) in tissue culture cells. Viruses canalso cause cells to alter their components fashioningthem targets for anti-cellular viruses such asAIDS.5 II. An In-Depth view Infectious diseasesare the third leading cause of death in the UnitedStates and the leading cause worldwide... but,we only extend 1% of our health-care budget onprevention, claims Dr. David Satcher.6 For yearsscientists have been complaining about the amountof government money spent on virus prevention.Within the ultimo twenty years, more than 30 newvirulent types have been discovered, like LymeDisease, Legionnaires disease, AIDS, andEbola.7 For the past couple of years, scientists
Thursday, May 30, 2019
ONE SIDED LOVE Essay -- essays research papers
The story was written by John Steinbeck by the pull a line The Chrysanthemums. The story takes a place on a farm in December 1938. The story is based on three characters enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay, her husband Henry, and the tinker. Elisa was 35 years old and was married to Henry. She was a hard workingwoman on a farm. It was a virile occupation, compared with her husband who was a businessman. Their relationship wasnt normal. He didnt see her as a lady, due to her unattractive appearance. One day the tinker passed by her house, and changed her life. The tinker caused her to confirm her femininity. The tinker made her laughter by his stories, and reflect her. He was curious about her chrysanthemums, and complimented her for her work. Her husband never realized nor was interested in her talent. She explained the tinker how to grow the Chrysanthemums successfully. Her eyes shone she tore turned the battered hat and shook out her dark pretty hair. After awhile, she offered him a flowerpot to take along with him. The tinker was glad to get the seeds in the pot, although it was not what he wished for. Now, she did not care about her gloves from her excitement. She used her strong fingers to fill up the pot with soil. Her face was tight with eagerness, when she looked at him. Her disparager swelled passionately. After the tinker left she whispered thats a bright direction, on that points a glow in there.Elisa felt disgraced about her self so, she ... ONE SIDED LOVE Essay -- essays research papers The story was written by John Steinbeck by the name The Chrysanthemums. The story takes a place on a farm in December 1938. The story is based on three characters Elisa, her husband Henry, and the tinker. Elisa was 35 years old and was married to Henry. She was a hard workingwoman on a farm. It was a virile occupation, compared with her husband who was a businessman. Their relationship wasnt normal. He didnt see her as a lady, due to he r unattractive appearance. One day the tinker passed by her house, and changed her life. The tinker caused her to confirm her femininity. The tinker made her laugh by his stories, and reflect her. He was curious about her chrysanthemums, and complimented her for her work. Her husband never realized nor was interested in her talent. She explained the tinker how to grow the Chrysanthemums successfully. Her eyes shone she tore off the battered hat and shook out her dark pretty hair. After awhile, she offered him a flowerpot to take along with him. The tinker was glad to get the seeds in the pot, although it was not what he wished for. Now, she did not care about her gloves from her excitement. She used her strong fingers to fill up the pot with soil. Her face was tight with eagerness, when she looked at him. Her breast swelled passionately. After the tinker left she whispered thats a bright direction, theres a glow in there.Elisa felt disgraced about her self so, she ...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Madness and Insanity in Shakespeares Hamlet - Has Hamlet Gone Mad? :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
 Has Hamlet Gone Mad?       Hamlet was the prince of Denmark, son of the assassi-nated King Hamlet andQueen Gertrude, and nephew to Claudius.  Hamlet, (during the play) goes through both(prenominal) very troubling situations in which he seems to act in an insane manner.But I am convinced that he was non in madness, simply mad in craft.  I withalbelieve that he was a man of high moral standards, in fact higher than most ofthe plenty in Denmark at that time.         Hamlet was bombarded by many situations at the start of the play whichhis psyche had to deal with.  He was very up-set (as any other person would be)with his fathers murder and, at the same time, his mothers hurried remarriage.      HAMLET Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears had left the flushingin her galled eyes, she married.  O, most demonic speed, to post with suckdexterity to incestuous sheets  He then heard from his good friend Horatiothat they had seen a ghost during the night watch.  Hamlet was shocked at thedescription of the ghost and he said to him-self My fathers spirit-in arms?All is not well.  I doubt some maculate play.  Would the night were come  Hamletsper-sonality underwent severe stresses cod to the situations en-countered andconsequently, he had to find a way to solve the apparent problems.         In Act 1, Scene 5, Hamlet while talking to his fathers ghost was urgedto avenge the foul murder, but to leave his mother out of it as her guilt wouldbe punishment enough.  GHOST Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.  Leave her to heaven, and to those thorns that in her bosom lodge to prick andsting her.  The ghost of the previous king gave Hamlet the solution that heneeded.  The ghost also be-seeched Hamlet to Let not the royal bed of Denmarkbe a couch for luxury and damned incest.  This showed that Ha m-let wasrequired to not only restore his honor, but to re-store the honor of all ofDenmark as well  The added burden upon his shoulders caused him to clear fromhis mind all but what was necessary to solve his dilemma.  This would haveallowed him to think in a rational and sane manner.  It also explains why laterhe is unable to pursue his relationship with his true love Ophelia, and insteadtries to make her disinterested in him so that again, he may concentrate on thetasks athand.  Hamlet used his cunning when he devised a plan to see if his
The Diary of Anne Frank Essay examples -- English Literature
The Diary of Anne wienerIn this project, I will be comparing the t nonpareil of Anne Frank to mine.Firstly, I will give a brief timeline of the main events that tookplace in her lifetime. Then I will begin to compare the variousaspects of her life to mine. Finally, I will draw up a conclusion.Annelies Marie Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany, just 60 familysbefore I was, 1929. During the first iii years of her life, TheGreat Depression happened. The National Socialist Party began to gainsupport. In 1933, Hitler was made Chancellor. This was the same yearthat Otto Frank and his family moved to Holland. A year later Annebegan school and in 1935 Juden Verboten (No Jews) appeared onsigns in restaurants and shops all over Germany. Later that year, theNuremburg Laws were introduced.I cant imagine what it would be want to k nowadays that I wasnt wanted inmy home country. This was only the first hurdle for Anne, many wereyet to come.Before Anne was thirteen, she had been sent to a spe cial schoolbecause of her religion and World War II had started. When Annesthirteenth birthday came, she received a diary that changed the waymillions of people now think. A month later, her sister, Margot wascalled to report to a transit camp. It was then that Otto Frank sawthe sign he needed to take the family into hiding. They were in a confidential annexe above the Opekta-Works in Amsterdam. Altogether with theVan Daan family and Mr Dussel the dentist there was eleven people.Through the two years they were in hiding, millions of Jews were beingtaken to density camps to be killed. Anne lived in constantfear. August 1944, the group in hiding are betrayed and split up intovarious concentration camps, ... ...could come down and charterhour long conversations with people Ive never met before. Hearingwhat Anne went through though makes me wonder how a seeminglyinsignificant book kept her in her right mind(predicate) and positive for that amount of time.August 4th, 1944. Just sixty years ago this year, the eleven werebetrayed. Nazi soldiers came storming up and took away everyone in theroom. They all went to concentration camps like Auschwitz. After amonth they were all separated, after a year ten were dead.This makes me angry, the fact that they managed to stay alive for solong to be killed anyway, because of one man. Hitler.The story of Anne Frank shows to me that the authority Hitler had madea fourteen yr old girl physically break down. The story shows just howoppression is converted into depression. The pressure in her mind wasreleased by conferring with her diary.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Arrival of Things from Another Culture in Hurricane hits England and Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan :: essays research papers
In hurricane hits England (hurricane) by Grace Nichols the arriver of the hurricane challenges the thoughts of the poet, she is initially from the Caribbean but promptly live in Sussex, until the arrival of the hurricane she has not felt at home in England. This is similar to presents from my Aunts in Pakistan (presents) by Moniza Alvi, she also has roots from another dry land and now lives in England. The arrival of presents from the Pakistan culture challenges her thinking, as does the hurricane to Nichols. The hurricane challenges her thinking by making her realise that it is possible to bring your roots anywhere. She comes to this realisation through the numbers and at the end of it comes to the conclusion that the earth is the earth is the earth. She originally feels torn between her two cultures, it takes the arrival of the hurricane to bring her closer. Whereas in presents it is the arrival of the presents from Pakistan that make her feel torn between cultures. Th e clothes are a symbol of culture, she feels alien and awkward wearing them and much more comfortable in her English denim and corduroy. Nichols also uses symbolism in her poem, the hurricane is a symbol of her Caribbean culture. They are very ir continuous in England but a regular occurrence in her childhood in the Caribbean, this makes her feel comfortable and at home. The hurricane is used along with many other natural images, this is mainly because of the effect of the swipe on the landscape, for example the trees / Falling heavy as whales is an effective line because the huge trees exit like whales when the torrential rain that accompanies a hurricane makes the land become almost like a sea. Another natural image is the frozen lake in me which metaphorically is the poet being frozen away from her county and now the hurricane has arrived to break the ice, so she can bring her roots anywhere. Presents also uses natural images, the poet describes the sari that is sen t as apple-green and the salwar kameez as peacock blue and the other like an orangish split open. This vibrant simile and the repeated reference to colour draws her to the loveliness of the culture and emphasises the contrast to the boring English
Arrival of Things from Another Culture in Hurricane hits England and Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan :: essays research papers
In hurricane hits Eng globe (hurricane) by Grace Nichols the arrival of the hurricane challenges the thoughts of the poet, she is initially from the Caribbean moreover now live in Sussex, until the arrival of the hurricane she has not felt at home in England. This is similar to presents from my Aunts in Pakistan (presents) by Moniza Alvi, she also has roots from some other country and now lives in England. The arrival of presents from the Pakistan culture challenges her thinking, as does the hurricane to Nichols. The hurricane challenges her thinking by making her realise that it is possible to bring your roots anywhere. She comes to this realisation by means of the poem and at the end of it comes to the conclusion that the earth is the earth is the earth. She originally feels torn between her two cultures, it takes the arrival of the hurricane to bring her closer. Whereas in presents it is the arrival of the presents from Pakistan that make her feel torn between cultures. The clothes are a symbol of culture, she feels alien and awkward wearing them and much more comfy in her English denim and corduroy. Nichols also uses symbolism in her poem, the hurricane is a symbol of her Caribbean culture. They are very irregular in England but a regular occurrence in her childhood in the Caribbean, this makes her feel comfortable and at home. The hurricane is used along with many other natural images, this is mainly because of the put together of the wind on the landscape, for example the trees / Falling heavy as whales is an effective line because the huge trees become deal whales when the torrential rain that accompanies a hurricane makes the land become almost like a sea. Another natural image is the frozen lake in me which metaphorically is the poet being frozen away from her county and now the hurricane has arrived to crumple the ice, so she can bring her roots anywhere. Presents also uses natural images, the poet describes the sari that i s sent as apple-green and the salwar kameez as peacock blue and the other like an orange split open. This vibrant simile and the repeated reference to colour draws her to the loveliness of the culture and emphasises the contrast to the boring English
Monday, May 27, 2019
Where Are The Americans?
In spite of the fact that the American Government Led NATO against Serbia and that the American military is here, and their largest military base prohibitedside the United States is in Kosova, Kosovars be still asking Where Are The Americans? Of course, a more complete elaboration on the basic question is Where Are The Americans? Why arent Americans supporting our full(a) Independence? Why hasnt their government recognized the full Independence of Kosova? Why arent the big American corporations coming to Kosova? Why do they let the EU suck everything in Kosova?Why isnt an American the Special Representative to the Secretary-General of the UN in Kosova? They went against European opposition and convinced NATO to go to war against Serbia and liberate us from oppression, only where are the Americans now? Certainly the Americans are here, but the answer to many of the questions rests with the Kosova people, and the politics of Europe. Kosova is in Europe, and it is only natural t hat the European Community has the central concern and enter regarding the status of Kosova.Under the current circumstances, any proclamations by the United States would be viewed as interfering with the European Union, and this would be diplomatic totallyy improper. Currently, the official communications regarding the built in bed in Kosova, and the issue of final status is limited to UNMIK and the European Union, as these are the entities that have UN delegated responsibilities regarding Kosova. The Americans are stronger in their influence within KFOR, which is separate from UNMIK Administration.However, when Kosovars understandably declare their Independence from Serbia, and demand that the UN fulfill its obligations in accordance with 1244(1999) for Kosova to have .. provisional participatory self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal animateness for all inhabitants of Kosovo. Then, and only then, can the United States and other nations res pond to a direct petition by Kosovars for support in the establishment of an independent democratic process within KosovaThe Americans and others would then be able to question the EU more directly, as to why the European Union is against the full Independence of Kosova, when the account statement of the Serbians has been one of repeated aggressions, and an absence of any remorse. It is a logical question to ask, why after so many conflicts and so many losses by the Serbs, does the European Union continue to appease Serbia, rather than imposing harsh consequences? We must learn the process of politics and diplomacy.We have been great leaders and warriors, but we must not forget that we have never had a leader in peace. We are physically and morally strong, we are intelligent but we are not experienced in politics and diplomacy. However, we cannot let this situation continue, and we must now use any and all means to become as sound in Politics and Diplomacy as we have been in war. Kosovas political leaders have been active, but we must accept the reality of Kosovar limitations and ensure that all leaders quickly become truly adept in politics and diplomacy.Another response to Where Are The Americans is that the American people are at theater in the United States, working, playing, studying, watching Television, pick uping to the radio, breeding newspapers and all of these things are being done in English. It is true that there are a some thousand Americans who speak Albanian, but how many are in positions of authority and how many are actually doing anything effective to bring the message the truth astir(predicate) Kosova to the American people? How can the average American sympathize with about Kosova, if they know nothing about Kosova?Americans are paying close attention to macrocosm points, such as the terror threats and the issue with Iraq, and they are paying attention because they are being communicated to in English. Why should American journa lists pay attention to Kosova when anything of brilliance has to be translated from Albanian to English by them? We speak out, and demonstrate, but nothing is said or written in English. If we want to get Americans interested in Kosova, we must speak and publish in the English language in addition to Albanian.Every key speech given every key event every meeting attended must be also presented in English. Our daily newspapers should have at least one page in English presenting all the headlines and a brief about the story, and our television news and key presentations must also be done in English. If we want people to listen to us, then we better speak their language Our periodicals should contain English features, and every major press release by any organization of influence should be prepared in good English.This last statement is important, for if we present English copy that is poorly done, we will look uneducated in the eyes of those reading the material. In the few instances when our traffic and/or government organizations have provided English versions, they appear to the reader as having been done by a child unsloped learning to speak and write in English. We must utilize the skills of professional translators in any and all areas that affect our future, especially if we wish to reach and see the American people.We certainly do not provide a good image if we cannot express crucial issues in good English to the world. In business and politics, it is the English language that predominates, and we better catch up fast Just about every adult Kosovar knows that the European Union is concerned about the marriage of ethnic Albanians the development of a Kosovar military and the potential for a significant American business, monetary and political influence in the Balkans. But as hanker as We Kosovars remain silent in English, and the citizens of America remain ignorant of the truth, the EU has nothing to worry about.In the eyes and minds of Americans, i t appears that everything is OK in Kosova, and they turn over that if everything is going well, why should Americans continue to support the American Military being in Kosova? Americans believe If everything is OK, let Europe bear the costs of taking care of Kosova and we can move our troops to where they are needed American politicians respond to the will of the American people, and Kosova politicians and the Kosovar people need to recognize this fact and reach out to the Heart of the United States, the American peopleWe must have the courage to make strong and timely Diplomatic moves, such as the publicly restating our Independence, and request direct assistance from particular nations in order to counter the current negative intent and actions of the European Union and Serbia to keep us within and under Serbian Dominance. We Kosovars need to wake up, and stand up and speak out, in a loud, firm, clear and unified English Speaking voice, against the effective Serbian Propaganda, T he employment of The Hague, and the Appeasement efforts of the European Union. They are making their propaganda in English, and it must be countered in English
Sunday, May 26, 2019
My Pawnshop
Course Project Introduction to Business (GEB 1011) Think of a small company you would like to start. utilise this company, include the following comp nonpareilnts in your finalized submittal and use them as Section Headings for crapatting your submittal. Put the Section Headings in BOLD. Then your responses in normal 12 stop consonant size type and write in complete sentences. 1) Provide an Introduction of your company. Include your main product and/or service. In what country and tell of the being is your company located? Explain why your company is located there.With the economy struggling and more and more people loosing their jobs as a major inauguration of income I believe that providing the service of small collateral loans would be a great idea for a assembly line. In this economy the pawn industry is a job that is growing and taking a powerful jump in the economy. I believe that opening and household where people can get short-term loans against a collateral would be a very successful business. I would strategically pick locations in United States that really need this service the approximately. For example, low-income regions in Orlando such as Pine Hills, would be a good place to open a location.Last and more important, Make sure to set up tell on where the local population is interested in buying your goods Choosing a location with a population that has give and demand for the specific products I am selling. 2) happen upon the form of business ownership you would choose for this company and explain why. Give at least three advantages and three disadvantages of your chosen form of business ownership. The form of business ownership I would choose for my company would be Sole Proprietorship. A business owned and operated by a single individual and the most common form of business structure in the U.S. The advantages with a sole proprietorship 1. Ease and cost of formation simply announcing you are in business and requesting any licenses an d permits you may need use of profits since all profits from the business belong exclusively to you, the owner. 2. Flexibility and control you make all the decisions and purport the entire business operations very little government regulations secrecy and ease of ending the business. 3. Sale or transfer can take place at the discretion of the sole proprietor. There are disadvantages, however, including unlimited liability . All business debts are personal debts, meaning you could lose everything you own if the business fails or loses a major lawsuit. 2. Limited sources of financing based on your creditworthiness. 3. Limited skills the sole proprietor really must be a jack-of-all-trades, part manager, marketer, accountant, etc. and limited lifespan meaning that the business ends when the owner dies. 3) Describe how you would use Supply and Demand to determine the products/services your company would provide. Include how this affects the determine of your companys product/service. When supplies of goods and services become plentiful, prices tend to drop. When supplies become scarcer, prices tend to rise. (Understanding Business, Nickels,McHugh and McHuhg P. 37. ) There are many factors that play a role in utilise Supply and Demand for the items that my company would be working with. The age of the item, current condition, market set, and ability to re-sell, are all taken into consideration. The market value of precious metals changes daily so this will give more flexibility to play with the loaning, buying or pricing of it.Furthermore, I would prevail to contemplate the supply and demand or desirability of your item. Perhaps a new product ahs made it obsolete or even decrease its value. For example, a video secret plan system that was worth $300. 00 two years ago may be practically worthless today. With new technology in the market and depreciation of electronics an over-the-hill platform is not going to be in high demand. Another example would be the Bl ue-ray player, since they have become increasingly popular and they have a high demand in the market the DVD player has depreciated in value.Therefore if a client brings a DVD player in the store the idea value would be lower hence the selling price. Taking these factor into consideration, the use of supply and demand would affect the pricing of my company and it would play a very lifesize role because I am the one investing money on the collateral that the customer is bringing to the store, hence my responsibility is to have the knowledge to take smart decisions and to properly train the people that would be working for me to be capable to make smart pricing by using tools such, internet, blue book, catalogs and their experience.One advantage that my company would have is that because I am targeting low income communities the $300. 00 game system they could not afford would be selling for a a good deal lower price at my store. The demand would be there still for the system but t his time the used system would be price one third of the original price and there would be an option for that customer to put it on layaway and pay for it slowly something that is becoming popular on big retail stores now days. As the Chief Executive Officer of your company ) Describe your companys Strategic Plan. Include a SWOT, Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, analysis ((list at least three, (3) items per section)). 5) Describe how you would implement the Management Functions in your company. 6) Describe the process you would use to recruit, hire, and train your employees. 7) Describe how you would approach the marketing mix for your company (Product, Price, Place, Promotions, the 4 Ps,). 8) Describe how you would develop and use the basic accounting statements in your company.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Veneration Without Understanding: Analysis
Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda, our national hero who is known for his nationalism and patriotism usually come position by side with these words the doctor, the writer, the philosopher, the clairvoyant, and most of all the hero who died for the country. More than a hundred and fifty years ago, that hero was born and history says that he was the one who revolutionized a new uprising. Not by the literal bloody and violent revolutionary way but by unravelling the skeletons in the colonizers closet through his works and writings.Though he died in the hands of the colonizers, he fought the dead way and sparked the spirit of nationalism of the Filipino as an individual. Renato Constantinos essay, Veneration without Understanding is not one those articles about Dr. Rizal which we typically see in our grade school history books. It is a much more intricate analysis behind the breeding of Rizal and his being a hero, the factors that made him condemn the motif of the re volution, his recognition and all the angles we dont usually see and read around history books which turn to be neglected over time.He also discussed how Rizal viewed the words liberty and independence differently, the concept of Filipino nationhood and how Rizal influenced the recognition of the Filipino race and elevated the term Indios. Shrouded with the mantel of sainthood and perfection, we all see Rizal as one of the best role models that we have. We look up to him and see him as the praiseworthy hero who died for the countrys freedom. Its alarming how the previous generations including ours are blinded with all the information necessary to judge whether he is fit of all these acknowledgement that is being showered upon him.After all, he is exempt a human being vulnerable to selfish mistakes and wrong decisions. I agree with what the author said that our vision has been narrowed or worse, blinded by the adoration of the greatness of the said hero and how he became a martyr ise and died for our country in the hands of the enemy. But in my opinion, contrary to what most has to say, Constantino is not against Rizal. He is trying to show us how important it is to search deeper and investigate the defining characteristics of Rizal heroism and make us see the important details which we tend to overlook most of the time.Reading his essay made me think about what really makes a hero. Is it his martyrdom and how he died for the country? Or is it the way he stood up against the colonizers? Another angle that the author tries to tackle is the question whether Rizal was really sponsored by the Americans to become our national hero. Quoting an article from the essay, Constantino stated, History cannot deny his patriotism. He was a martyr to oppression, obscurantism and bigotry. His dramatic death captured the imagination of our people.Still, we must accept the fact that his formal designation as our national hero, his elevation to his present eminence so outlyin g(prenominal) above all our other heroes was abetted and encouraged by the Americans. It seems plausible that Rizal was really favored by the Americans and gave him the status but this does not change the fact that he was the most important movement in Philippines journey towards freedom. We can never deny that he was the one who sparked the revolution and gave the Filipinos a sense of unity and identity.Also, as the part of todays youth, I can say that he is a great role model even though he condemned the idea of the revolution. I still give him the credit on innovating revolution. Seeing Rizal as a model does not mean that we should follow every step he has made in the past. This simply means that there are many paths in arriving towards the goal we seek just like Rizal who found a bloodless way in informing our brothers and sisters about the hell they been forced to live in. Now, society has come to an era where oppression is not as evident as it used to be.This calls for an evo lution of heroism within us. In order for this evolution to take place, we should rediscover the heroes from then and now and see them as human who stood up in the moment of desolation and gave their people the hope that they need. We should examine not only their strengths but also their weaknesses in order to learn their way correctly. further like how the author Renato Constantino approached his study with our great and famous national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal.
Friday, May 24, 2019
ASEAN Community Essay
ASEAN, One vision, one identity, one community As ASEAN member, I am aw are of ASEAN history. It started on August 8, 1967 with 5 countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, but it turned into 10 after years of success Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Since then, these 10 countries have been cooperating and collaborating for the benefits of the passel and their country. Have you ever thought how important ASEAN is? In 2015, ASEAN COMMUNITY will be launched and I may say that it gives a productive impact on culture, education and tourism of each country member. For example, in Thailand, ASEAN brings cultural diversity. Many nationalities are now staying in Thailand for vacation, business or job, entertainment, education, trade or industry. The reasoned thing is despite the differences, we still live in peace and harmony. Likewise, Thailand has make up more open to embrace learning about culture and language of other(a) countries.ASEAN has a true effect on education. By means of cooperation, students and teachers will develop their skills and they have a chance to further their studies abroad. In school, students will complete more about these 10 countries. Language especially English will be widely spoken by the people in ASEAN Community. We will become more globally competitive.ASEAN has a good impact on tourism. People from the southeast Asia have opportunities to travel without hassle. AFTA or Asia Free Trade Area is other good thing to promote tourism. As a result, members of ASEAN will probably enjoy shopping and travelling from one country to another and this leads to a good relationship. Finally, I am proud to be a member of ASEAN. At school I am being built up in my might on English to be a better and more successful Thai citizen. I thank my teachers for they have done a lot and are still doing much in helping develop my abilities to be a better user of English. May it be a challenge for all students to be serious in learning the English language to become globally competitive.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Answering Question
Psychology in its attempt to establish itself as a scientific study has come up with ingenious ways to be scientific and objective. It was accepted that psychological science was concerned with the thoughts, emotions, feelings and the inner processes of the individual, hence to study these aspects it must(prenominal) develop a regularity that would dig and explore the said piece processes.And the answer was the introspective method. However, as soon as it gained following, it also earned criticisms and snuff it to another methodological development. The major criticism against the introspective method was its subjectivity and unreliability which basically goes against its being a scientific tool. Conversely, the answer to the introspective method was behaviorism which is completely at odds with it. behaviourism reduces human behavior into a simple equation wherein a stimulus produces a response and that in order to understand human behavior one must employ the tools of behaviori sm. This method appealed to the scientific community as it is measur qualified, observable and can be replicated. Behaviorism was thought of as a better approach than the introspective method and hence swept it away.The basic aspect that made the introspective method flaw and unscientific is also the same thing that behaviorism neglected to acknowledge and would carry enriched this movement more than it is. I believe that peoples introspections be as much as important as the overt behavior of individuals. Psychology is the study of mans behavior and our behavior cannot be lessen into a simple stimulus is to response theory.Clearly, something happens between the perception of the stimulus and the subsequent reaction to the stimulus. Like for example when my professor told us to work on this assignment, it being the stimulus for sure I and all my classmates will react to it by accomplishing our assigned tasks. However, the bulk of the work happens between the day the tasks were as signed to us and the day we submit our completed papers. Taking it further, when I read the questions of this assignment which happens to be the stimulus, I would naturally begin to draft my answers hence my response to the stimulus. moreover before coming up with my answers, I have to look inward and ask myself what should be the appropriate answer for this question and how should I present my arguments, in essence I was being introspective. Why we do the things we do can not be fully explained by behaviorism alone.As dynamic human beings with different experiences, we may react to things in the same way however we may have different perceptions or understanding of that stimuli, like when we hear a baby cry, most of us would go and pick the baby to make it stop, but I force do so because the sound of a weeping baby is irritating and another person might pick the baby up out of a genuine concern for the baby, hence what goes on wrong our mind is much as important in determining how we react to certain things, why we make decisions and pass judgments on others etc.Man is a complex being and the vital aspects that would lead to a better study and understanding of man argon found on inner processes that cannot be straight off observed and quantified, which is why the mechanistic approach of behaviorism was short-lived. By completely throwing mans introspections out of the picture, behaviorism threw out what made psychology human.What factors be responsible for the development of modern cognitive psychology?Cognitive psychology is the study of the science of knowing. Its study encompasses the basic thought processes of man and its importance to our day by day existence. The modern cognitive psychology movement has been influenced by figurer technology. In order to better understand how the star functions and how it controls everything that we do, we must first study it, but since it is ethically impossible to take a healthy persons mind and study it, we m ust find a similar model, and this is where the idea that the computer is much alike the brain.With its immense computing power, the computer have been developed to simulate human intelligence and allowed a new way of studying how the brain stores, records, and processes information. Moreover, the brain as the single controlling processing unit in man, it is responsible for all of our bodily actions thus recent developments in imaging have given psychologists the opportunity to study what part of the brain is responsible for what action and how bizarre diseases can be explained by a dysfunction in the brain like the Capgras syndrome.Write a 200-300 word summary and critical analysis of this article. Discuss what the article is basically about, its strong and weak points, how convincing (or unconvincing) you find its arguments, and how it might be followed up (e.g., if you think the article suggests any promising, new ideas for future research, describe what they are and how they mig ht best pursued.)The article attempts to discuss how cognitive psychology developed. Kedler proposes that cognitive psychology was not born rather it slowly came into being. The author then presents the influences that contributed to the development of cognitive psychology in history. He says that due to the comic mix of theoretical approaches in cognitive psychology it is not a singularly minded discipline like structuralism or Gestalt psychology.Moreover, the author claims that because of the complexness in the theories within cognitive psychology and the different areas of study within the discipline have made it more computer science than psychology. The strengths of this article are found on its exhaustive presentation of the different theoretical influences in the field of psychology, from Wunds introspectionism, Piagets cognitive development, Tolmans cognitive map, and a array of other theories that he categorizes as a study of cognition.He also gave emphasis on how the fie lds of communications engineer, computer science, linguistics and human engineering as the mover in the field of cognitive psychology in terms of new researches and areas of discourse. The weakness of this article is in the fact that it was not able to prove how cognitive psychology came into being. The author only enumerated and discussed the numerous theories that had to do with cognition, memory and learning. What he presented were the natural consequences of the theories and a novel explanation of how this theories influenced cognitive psychology is not reiterated, its as if the reader is left to deduce how that came about.The article is convincing in terms of how cognitive psychology is made up of a fall of schools of thought and but it is unconvincing when it says that cognitive psychology is more of a computer science than psychology, when clearly it is within the realms of psychology based on the processes involve in learning, memory, and processing. At the same way, huma n engineering, communications engineering, linguistics and computer science are based on psychological processes and use constructs that have been canvas and explored by psychology first.ReferencesKendler, H. (1987) Cognitive Psychology in Richard P. Honeck, Introductory Readings forCognitive Psychology 3rd ed p.6-13 (1997), William C. Brown CommunicationsReisberg, D. (2001). Cognition Exploring the Science of the judgement 2nd edition. New York WWNorton 2001
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Psychological Benefits of Fashion Essay
Fashion has been identified as whiz of the prevailing entities that can be observed all throughout history. It is an indication of styles and customs that atomic number 18 widely practiced at a particular time. Nonetheless, the us jump on of such term is always associated with clothing. However, in a greater sense, the idea of mode encompasses much than clothing it is something that pertains to a much bigger picture. The interest if humans in excogitate are not retributory of recent origin.To prove such point, since the pre-historic legion(predicate) people make up adorned their skins with colored clays and even tattoos, while clothing has been considered as one of the close absorbing yet was also treated as an important issue in tone as it represents some(prenominal) things nigh life as a whole. However, while agency from the past was regarded as an formula only reserved for the wealthy populace, the influence of such entity can now be felt everywhere, anytime at th is moment.Today, from the poorest to the richest, from the inhabitants of the nigh metropolitan areas to the inhabitants of the most rural places, many unmarrieds indulge in extravagant behavior. From here, one can simply ask what is it with personal manner that motivates people to recognize it as a powerful entity? duration physically fashion posit lots of receiptss for individuals following the latest trend, limited studies were centered in understanding the benefits that fashion can offer for those who follow it.In this respect, this in the buffs report sought to answer the question What are the psychological benefits of fashion for individuals following the trend? What is fashion? In order to give depth to the subject organism taken, it is and so an imperative to discuss what fashion is. One investigateer pointed out that fashion is a series of recurring changes in the choices of a root of people, which though they whitethorn be accompanied by utility, are not determi ned by it Fashion is marked by rhythmic and innovation, by alternate consistency and change, but neither of these phases obeys the principle of utility (Ross, n.p. qtd. in Hurlock, 4). From the given perspective, it can then be assumed that fashion is a response to the ongoing rhythm method of birth control of change. Although it can not be widely utilized, fashion for many is a solution for the conventionality of life. Therefore, there is a greater element of luxury and lesser element of usability. Because of this, fashion has become an integral part of the social environment. Today, fashion affects almost all aspects in life. Fashion can now be seen in architecture, manner, automobiles, home furnishings, personal adornments, music, games and the likes.As the society tends to become an organized group that perceives fashion as something more than, it is therefore possible that the chances of fashion to hold on for foresighted is high, because fashions are transferable from one individual to another inside the groups they give out because of the sense of imitation (Hurlock). So what is it that motivates individuals to follow such trend? The answer is simplistic it benefits their psychological well- being other than the physical usefulness of such entity. Psychological benefits of fashionSense of acceptance and belongingness Both ridicule and scorn are the sanctions that storm people to embrace fashion, and in such case the dissenter is say to be powerless in such manner. When one refuses fashion that has been widely trus dickensrthy by many, the dissenter is more likely to hurt himself, but rarely hurts fashion itself. Public opinion is a powerful entity which can persuade a person to accept fashion (Hurlock). Today, however, fashion is now more of a pavement that leads an individual to gain entry to a particular group.For instance, a group wears a certain memorabilia so as to indicate their allegiances to education. People follow fashion, most parti cularly in the context of wearing clothes, in accordance to their age cohorts, ethnic back plants, social class and professional affiliations. It is noteworthy that every individual has the innate desire to belong to a system or an established group, frankincense recognizing fashion is one way of signaling membership within a relevant in-group (Baumeister and Leary, 1995 qtd. in Saad, 2007).There are numerous practices that are done in order to solidify the behavior of an in-group, one of which is their consumption choices that re-affirm the membership of individuals. The fashion industry is often seen as a group exercise of conformity and identification. In short, the innate need to belong is sufficed by the fashion industry. As an industry that is followed by millions of individuals consumers are therefore repeatedly engaging in behaviors that ensure that they thus belong to the raffish group. Thus, fashion in itself has usurped the innate needs of humans to belong. Specifically , the overt signals of belongingness are labile in nature such as in order to become fashionable and to gain entry to a fashionable group an individual must continuously buy the continuously changing fashion, accessories and adornments. While some claim that fashion trends are mere representations of the pretentious life of wealth and are only made available to the privileged classes (Locke and De Chamfort Saad), the democratic fashion trends of today are now made available to the masses, thereby allowing consumers that originate from any social classes can now feel the cues of belongingness, most especially within the reference group through the fashion trends that they have come to ad prefer (Saad). The innovations provided by fashion, such as new clothing and the sole benefit of the adopter to such particular innovation, specifically that of belongingness and acceptance is just one of the many instantiated psychological benefits of fashion. Establishment of IdentityPsychol ogically, indistinguishability is said to have two important dimensions, the personal and the social. However, both dimensions of identity are related in the psychological c at a timept of self, self-identity, and self concept. Yet each of the said terms more often than not given complex and at time inconsistent meanings which makes it hard for identity to be defined. Therefore, the safest way to define identity is that it is the subjective concept or representation that an individual holds of who she or he really is (Vignoles, Regalia, Manzi, Golledge and Scabini, 2006 Dittmar and Halliwell). The said definition highlights two important aspects. First is that identity is in the spotlight of a persons subjective psychological experience instead of referring to it as an objective essence. Second is that, identity is inclusive, which often involves individual, relational and group train representation of the self (Sedikides and Brewer, 2001 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell).Thi s also implies that identity is multi-faceted in nature, and that it is made up of various self- representations that vary from each other which instead of making a unitary structure integrates varying aspects of the self (Donahue, Robins, Roberts and John, 1993, 834 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). Generally, the given definition means that every individual has multiple identities. Such perspective has been consistent from research findings, as people who are often asked who are you ? listed differing qualities and material objects that satisfy their needs (Gordon, 1968 Dittmar and Halliwell). From William Jamess Principle of psychology, he identified that one of the many representations of the identity is the material self. He noted that an individuals identity, aside from the bodys physical boundaries also includes material goods (James, 1890 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). In addition to personal identity, another domain that is manifested within its context is that of b ody image, which connote ones thoughts and feelings round his or her physical body (Dittmar, 2005c qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell).Traditionally, body image is not considered as a domain of identity. However, as body image constitutes a subjective concept, wherein a person sees this as the self-representation of their bodies to other, therefore it makes a lot of sense to hold such concept as a part of identity (Dittmar,Phillips and Halliwell, 2007 Halliwell and Dittmar, 2006 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). So, how are these this related to fashion? For the most of its followers, fashion may it be in the aspect of music, arts and the likes, is the gateway for them to develop and maintain their identities.Fashion, in most part, plays a significant role in the lives of many because it makes them view themselves in a different light helping them define who they really are and how they really feel. By simply purchasing the things that they need and are in style, their specific needs are already met and they already feel secure about themselves, because they know that they look good in the look of others (Zborowski). In short, fashion is in touch with the identity domain of the material self and body image, as it satisfies the needs of material goods and the attention that one gives in his or her body as a whole.Fashion does not only create identity, but also changes it. One person can go from whang to goth. Not at all times fashion have the alike effect on everyone. For some, they are satisfied with their clothings comfort and versatility. They may not feel the pull that they have to follow the latest trends, but the fact still remains that they already established a social identity by allowing themselves to recognize that fashion is an on-going cycle.Take for example in clothing, whether an individual follows a trend or not, the effect of stating ones own fashion through such medium can already serve as a code for people to believe that an individual is who h e or she is by the clothes that he or she wears the person may inculcate a political statement or just become one of the crowd. The multi-functionality of fashion as well as the contradiction it presents can be used as a means of impressing, rebellion or either to fit or stand-out of the crowd.As fashion is a personal choice, it gives its followers the liberty to decide on the how they can present themselves to the world (Zborowski). According to author Evelyn Brannon fashion is both creationthe impression we make on othersand private the way we explore our own personality and tastes (Brannon, n. p. qtd. in Zborowski, 30). People are apt to think that as fashion meets the desire of an individual to differentiate oneself from the group, and at the same time to conform to the social norms, buying new styles are efficient means of establishing individuality.Soon enough, the styles they opt to use will be recognized by everyone else that, the same clothes and accessories they wear will eventually be paraded by other people. As such, in order to deviate people to like just like everyone else, most fashion designers recognizes the minute a trend is already plunging into the conventional level. So, they would release new styles because they understand that every individuals need to express themselves. The cycle would then eventually flow once again people will get unique and fashionable items in order to re-establish their identities (Zborowski).Sense of Positive Well-Being Historically, psychology has been pretty much concerned with the indicators of a persons ill-wellness and unhappiness. Recently, the counselling of psychology is on the explicit factor that promotes a persons well-being, which is known as decreed psychology (Csikzentmihayali and Csikzentmihayali, 2006 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwell). It has been noted that one of the most important aspects of a persons well-being is his or her experience of happiness, which is truly subjective in nature. Appare ntly, the good and bad events in ones life affect an individuals happiness temporarily.However, it should also be understood that people can and do adjust with this happiness. For example, one study tack out that lottery winners and victims of accidents that both ended in wheelchairs after their initial reaction to their good and bad experiences, have returned to their levels of happiness prior to experiencing such events (Brickman, Coates and Hanoof-Bulman, 1978 qtd. in Dittmar and Halliwelll). However, happiness is something that cannot be easily measured as such recent studies have focused more on the construct of a persons subjective well-being (Diener, Suh, Lucas and Smith, 1999 Dittmar and Halliwell). Such construct may include over-all cognitive evaluation of ones life, sense of satisfaction, the frequent experience of corroboratory emotion and the absence of negative emotions. From the said perspective, it can be said that self-evaluation, like dissatisfaction abou t life or body, the measure of positive experiences, such as high self- enjoy and body- respectfulness, and the measure of negative experiences like depression and anxiety, can be clear indicators of positive and negative well-being.Additionally, in relation to an individuals material and bodily well being, behaviors such as disorder eating patterns and compulsive buying of goods are also detri noetic for the psychological and physical health of a person in order to identify whether their well-being is healthy or not (Dittmar and Halliwell). How does fashion fit in the big picture? As stated from the given perspective, some of the indicators of a persons positive well-being are high self-esteem and satisfaction.Partaking in a shopping pander in order to buy and select the latest fashion is an exhilarating experience that promotes self transformation may it be in the physical and mental sense. Although, fashion is temporary at times, in the long-run it boosts an individuals self-est eem, and provides them the confidence that perhaps they may have lost in some events in their life, allowing them to feel that they are special and unique (Zborowski). To prove such point, a shirt is just a shirtuntil a designer logo is pose on it, and knowing the caliber of such things, its price is far higher compared to other goods.So, why do people pay for such large amounts just for the privilege of wearing it? For many the reason is within two perspectives. First, designer labels allow individuals to have a sense of self-worth by just the association of it. Personally, once individuals purchase fashionable stuffs with designer labels, the wearers self-esteem is temporarily boost because they somehow made a connection with well-known and expensive names that not all can experience. Although mass-produced, that fact that the purchase is not the same as others makes the buyers feel that they are special and unique.Likewise, designer labels also serve as the exemplary representa tion of who the person is and who he or she hopes to be. Parallel to this, the self-worth of an individual is further elevated by the society or maybe their peers that are brand conscious, making them happy temporarily as they feel that they already fit in the circle and they are already at ease in the situation wherein in a regular basis they often feel out of place (Zborowski). In addition to this, fashion followers tends to make connection with other individuals who have common outlook in life thereby reinforcing bonds that in a regular setting does not usually takes place.For instance, a mere inquiry about a certain design of a menses home decor can catapult an individual to share what he or she knows about the said product. For the person who overlap the idea there is a sense of fulfillment because within himself or herself, he or she knew that he or she already shared something significant to the individual, and this is something that is priceless. On the other hand, the per son who inquired about the product can approve of such outlook, as he or she may perceived the same thing and it is quite a confirmation of what she or he feels.Meanwhile, fashion can also be a form of relaxation and an escape from the sameness of life. For one, shopping for fashion is not an easy task, but for many it is something that lifts their spirit as it is an indication that the person is in control of his or her personal environment. As stated, there are no laws that make an individual accept fashion. No fashion is imposed upon an individual by force (Hurlock, 8). Both the acceptance and rejection of fashion is in accordance to individual discretion.As such, person is free to make decision as to what actions he or she will take. Fashion is an invaluable pricking that allows a person to move to through the world, may it be in the social or business setting. It serves as a communication where in an individual can freely move on top of things persuading an individual to acce pt such freedom. More than anything else, freedom is something that allows an individual to gave a positive outlook about himself or herself, because there is no one to condemn his or her actions, and such perspective can be seen in fashion.As stated earlier, a high-self esteem and satisfaction are some of the key factors of attaining positive well-being, and this is provided by fashion through freedom of choice and the affirmation of an individuals character and spirit. In other words, following fashion have become an imperative means of acquiring, attempting and establishing ones well-being as it signifies the liberty to choose and symbolizes the ideals of happiness and a break away from the conventional.The association of individuals with the products that they feel are fashionable connotes that they are utterly re-evaluating themselves in order to know what type of particular trend or style they feel happy about. Moreover, a persons inclination with fashion is one vehicle for th em to escape depression, stress and anxiety because they know within themselves that on their life there is one thing that truly decreases their ill feelings, which is fashion. Conclusion From the given perspectives, it is safe to say that fashion is truly something that is inescapable.Since time olden people have been engaged in such aspect and over time it has developed into something that is far more reaching. It is a sign of change, as it is an on going cycle that allows a person the opportunity of following the trends or not. While many people claim that fashion is an indication of higher standards of living, current conditions today makes fashion available to everyone else most especially to the masses, making it more recognizable and diverse.For the followers of fashion, such word encompasses not only being fashionable it is also a host of myriads of psychological benefits that makes it worth engaging to. Fashion is perceived as an avenue for individuals to feel a sense of b elongingness and acceptance. It serves as the rights of portrayal for people to become comfortable and inclined with groups that share their same interests. Fashion is able to provide the innate needs of humans to be accepted and to belong through its continuous change of concept and availability to the public.It allows an individual to make allegiances with people they knew would understand them. One of the greatest benefits posted by fashion is its might to establish and change and individuals identity. Because it satisfies both the domains of material self and body image, a person is able to freely express himself through the fashion trend that he wears and practice. It creates a sense of individuality and promotes proper self-representation because in many ways fashion expresses the inner self of an individual.Establishment of a positive well-being is also another benefit that can be derived from following fashion. With the freedom it gives individuals in order to choose what they believe is fit for their personality, fashion promotes high-self esteem and satisfaction which spells an individuals positive outlook in life and happiness. Although it is limited at one point or another, the happiness provided by fashion is just enough for individuals to see themselves in the light of who they wanted to become.Likewise, the ability to take control of themselves and their environment through fashion is something that inimitable as it provides them ground to realize the many good things that life has to offer. Generally, fashion is a clear manifestation of how trends, styles and changes, and in a greater sense the power of individuals to develop the sense of belongingness and acceptance, establishment of identity, and a sense of positive well being that greatly benefit their psychological well-being. Works citedDittmar, Helga and Halliwell, Emma. Consumer culture, identity and well-being The search for the good life and body perfect. New York, NY Routledge, 2008 . Hulock, Elizabeth. The psychology of dress An analysis of fashion and its motive. Manchester, NH Ayer Publishing 1976 Saad, Gad. The evolutionary bases of consumption. New York, NY Routledge 2007 Zborowski, Megan. The fashionable brain Dissecting why fashion gas such a grip on the minds of the masses. Colored Stone Magazine, vol. 17, No. 6 November/ December 2004
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Pass or Fail Poem Essay
There are many perceptions on the rime Pass/ collapse and what it really means. I However, see this poetry relating in life in general. There are many quotes in this poem that remind me of the obsticals in life. The counselling people expect us to conk out, and even we dont want to fail it pass on happen. I like this poem because it is very true and up to date. The tone of this poem mite be very discourging exactly in my look it is also very encourgeing. Some people also relate this poem to test foreboding , I can also relate this to lifes anxiety. There are ever so obtiscals in life that we face. In this poem it conjectures No offspring how you succed awake, asleep there is a test waiting to be failed (1252). Yes this can be realted to enlighten but I see that in life no issuing what you do there is always a test that you can all fail or pass. We mite not relize that they are tests but apiece and eveyday god gives us test that we can either pass or fail. They are almo st the same as test in school because if you fail you can be punished for them with bad grades, and in life you can be punished with consequences.The author said The breathing in beckons with two dull pencils, but you take overnt even taken the course(1252). I can relate this to life because with a dream all you have at first is a dream starteing from sctract not knoowing what can happen. Two dull pencils can relate to this because you do not know what your getting yourself into and the trails that come along the way can be very dull . Of course you dont know what can happen because you havent lived your future and thats a course itself. Many people expect us to fail. When you reach for a book it closes its door in your face (1252). I can relate this to life because everytime you try to do some(prenominal)thing productive or good , there is always something that will hold you down from doin this. Every time you think you got something in good order its wrong in somebody elses e yes. When you conjugte a verb it is in the wrong language (1252). I believe that whenever your even holding a conversation with someone they mite think that your grammer is wrong. No matter what you do , basically your wrong in some type of way in anybodys eyes.You willl never graduate from this dream of blue books (1252). Yes this qoute is talking about school , but agian I percieve this as a contention saying that success is not in your path. However this is what other people can say upon you, but its only you who can determine your path.I Iike to think of this poem as a very inspirational poem, because its so discourging it kinda gives you motivation to prove you can pass and succed. Even though we might fail we chill out learn from our mistakes. I like how in this self-colored poem the author is very discourging but at the end she says Turn to the cool side (1252). So even though there mite be all of these obtisals and faliures awaiting for you thre is still a cool side.She says You will still smother in all the feathers that have to be learned by heart (1252). I believe this statement is very true, beacuse no matter what you do or say in someones eyes you are wrong. However , along the road you will learn all about your mistakes along the way ,leading you to know what not to do or say. So whenever you do have an anxiety about a test, trial of life or anything you will always know in the back of your mind you will at least know what not to do or say. I like how she says they will be learned from the heart , beacuse when people do say you fail or your wrong it always hits you in your heart because maybe you tried so hard and you still were told you were wrong.I just love how this whole poem can be percieved. The tone is very discourging but is very true, because in this world you almost have to be perfect and no matter how hrd you try in anything there is always something wrong in what you do. There is always a new test awaiting for you tommrow, it doe snt nessicarly have to be in school it can be in life and that can give you anxiety itself. When you asleep you dont know what test is awaiting for you tommrow. Even though you may think your right your not always going to be perfect in anybodys eyes. Everythime you think your a step ahead life itself brings you ten steps behind, always big(p) you something to work for . The road itself in life can be very hard and dull , but either way you look at it your either passing or failing. Which should always give you the motivation to pass because of the many faliures and embarrasements in the past that have been learned from your heart.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Use-case Diagram
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Tutorial Week 4&5 Chapter 5 End of Chapter 1. Why is business process modeling important? 2. What is the purpose of a fork lymph gland? 3. How do you create drill good examples? 4. How do you create use case plats? 5. Give two examples of the go forward associations on a use case plat. Give two examples for the include association. 6. What is the purpose of an military action diagram? Your Turn 5-2 Use Cases Look at the activity diagram for the appointment system in infix 5-2 and the use case that was created in Figure 5-5.Create your own use case based on an activity in the activity diagram or the activity that you created in Your Turn 5-1. Use Figure 5-6 to prevail your efforts. 5-3 Use Case Diagram Look at the use-case diagram in Figure 5-10. Consider if a use case were added to maintain patient insurance discipline. Make assumptions about the details of this use case and add it to the existing use-case diagram in Figure 5-10. The onl y required change to the existing diagram would be the addition of the new use case.It would be labeled Maintain Patient Insurance cultivation and would be linked to both the Create New Patient and Make Payment Arrangements use cases apply associations. 5-5 Campus Housing Create a set of use cases for the following high-level processes in a caparison system run by the campus house service. The campus housing service helps students find flatcars. Apartment owners fill in information forms about the rental units they have available (e. g. , location, number of bedrooms, monthly rent), which are then entered into a database.Students can search through this database via the Web to find apartments that meet their needs (e. g. , a two-bedroom apartment for $ cd or less per month within a half mile of campus). They then contact the apartment owners directly to see the apartment and possibly rent it. Apartment owners call the service to delete their itemisation when they have rented t heir apartment(s). 5-6 Drawing a Use-Case Diagram In Your Turn 5-5, you identified use cases for a campus housing service that helps students find apartments. Based on those use cases, create a use-case diagram. ExercisesA. Create an activity diagram and a set of detail use case descriptions for the process of buy glasses from the viewpoint of the patient, scarcely do not bother to identify the geological period of events within each use case. The first tint is to see an eye doctor who will give you a prescription. Once you have a prescription, you go to a glasses lineage, where you select your frames and place the order for your glasses. Once the glasses have been made, you return to the store for a fitting and pay for the glasses. B. Draw a use case diagram for the process of buying glasses in Exercise A.C. Create an activity diagram and a set of detail use case descriptions for the following dentist office system, but do not bother to identify the flow of events within each use case. Whenever new patients are seen for the first time, they complete a patient information form that asks their name, address, phone number and brief medical history, which are stored in the patient information level. When a patient calls to schedule a new appointment or change an existing appointment, the receptionist checks the appointment file for an available time.Once a good time is found for the patient, the appointment is scheduled. If the patient is a new patient, an sketchy entry is made in the patient file the full information will be self-collected when they arrive for their appointment. Because appointments are often made so far in advance, the receptionist usually mails a varan postcard to each patient two weeks before their appointment. D. Draw a use case diagram for the dentist office system in Exercise C.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Reflections in Westminster Abbey, by Joseph Addison
William Thackeray said of Joseph Addison that he merit as much love and esteem as can be justly claimed by every of our infirm and erring race. Thomas Macaulay described Addisons periodical essays as perhaps the finest . . . in the English language. And Samuel Johnson characterized Addisons prose as the model of the middle style on grave subjects not formal, on light occasions not groveling. Keep Johnsons observation in mind as you read Reflections in Westminster Abbey, which originally appeared in way out 26 of The Spectator, March 30, 1711. Addison died on June 17, 1719.He was buried in the north aisle of the Henry VII chapel service in Westminster Abbey. A century later a statue was erected in his honor in the poetical crapnow known as Poets Corner. Reflections in Westminster Abbey by Joseph Addison When I am in a austere humor, I very often walk by myself in Westminster Abbey where the gloominess of the place and the use to which it is applied, with the staidness of the bu ilding and the condition of the people who lie in it, are apt to fill the mind with a kind of melancholy, or rather thoughtfulness, that is not disagreeable.I yesterday passed a whole afternoon in the churchyard, the cloisters, and the church, laughable myself with the tombstones and inscriptions that I met with in those several regions of the dead. Most of them recorded slide fastener else of the buried person notwithstanding that he was born upon one day and died upon another the whole history of his life being comprehended in those two circumstances that are common to all mankind.I could not but look upon these registers of existence, whether of brass or marble, as a kind of satire upon the departed persons who had left no other memorial of them but that they were born and that they died. They put me in mind of several persons mentioned in the battles of heroic poems, who have sounding label given them for no other reason but that they may be killed, and are celebrated for no thing but being knocked on the head. The life of these men is finely described in Holy judicial writ by the Path of an Arrow, which is immediately closed up and lost.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Integrity, Confidentiality and Professional Behavior of Internal Auditors
Integrity harmonize to The Institute of familiar canvassors (IIA), The integrity of natural studyors established trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their judgement. IIA get on added that to be integrity, intrinsic auditors * Shall perform their work with h peerlessstly, diligence, and responsibility. * Shall observe the right and make disclosures expected by the law and the work. * Shall not knowingly be a party to whatever illegal work outivity, or engage in acts that are discreditable to the profession * Shall complaisance and contribute to the legitimate and ethical intentions of the constitution.According to the 2009 Global Integrity gaze giveed by Compliance Week and Integrity Interactive, polled more than 150 ethics and compliance executives at orbicular companies worldwide. The panorama shown that nearly two-third (64 percent) of respondents use risk assessment specifically to review their integrity risks and to modify their programs as necessar y. It too shown that 57 percent said their internal auditors have periodically audit their integrity programs and functions.Besides that, the survey shown that nearly 80 percent of respondents commented they use the internal audit function to some extent. Melissa Klein Aguilar (2009) get ahead added that internal audit departments play an important use of goods and run in ensuring the effectiveness of the companys integrity function. IIA do also issue a guidance says that internal auditors should evaluate the design, implementation, and effectiveness of the organizations ethics-related objectives, programs, and activities. Confidentiality According to Institute of intimate Auditors (IIA), confidentiality is one of the four principles that internal auditors are expected to apply and uphold. IIA further explain that under confidentialitys principle, internal auditors respect the value and ownership of information they receive and do not disclose information without appropriate l eave unless there is a legal or passkey obligation to do so.IIA had also outlined the rules of conduct for confidentiality, in which internal auditors * Shall be heady in the use and protection of information acquired in the die hard of their duties. * Shall not use information for any personal gain or in any room that would be contrary to the law or detrimental to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the organization. Office of home(a) Audit of Wayne State University further elaborates the rules of conduct that internal auditors are expected to follow in compliance with confidentialitys principle.It give tongue to that internal auditors shall * Not participate in any activity or relationship that may impair or be presumed to impair their unbiased assessment. This participation includes those activities or relationships that may be in skirmish with the interest of the organization. * Not accept anything that may impair or be presumed to impair their professional judgment . * bring on all material facts known to them that, if not disclosed, may distort the inform of activities under review. Be prudent in the use and protection of information acquired in the course of their duties. * Not use information for any personal gain or in any manner that would be contrary to the law or detrimental to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the organization. According to Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, this principle is pertinent to internal auditors as they have access to a wide range of information and the employing organization needinesss to be assured that accessed information will be treated confidentially.Internal auditors also gather information through interviews, and interviewees need to feel assured that the information provided will be treated appropriately. Numerous corporate fraud cases put across in recent century such as Enron and WorldCom have triggered not only extensive academician whistleblowing studies, but also have caused legal ramifications that have led to the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley make out in 2002 (Eaton & Akers, 2007 Lacavo & Ripley, 2003). originally this, there are limited studies that have used internal auditors as subjects.This could be because to the argument that the report make by internal auditors on corporate erroneousnesss is not an act of whistleblowing, but is the role on internal auditor at heart the ambit of their profession (Jubb, 2000). Xu and Ziegenfuss counter-argue that what Cynthia Cooper (an internal auditor) did in the WorldCom was considered as whistleblowing, this shown that reality may perceive that the internal auditor as a whistleblower. Another possibility is because of misperception that whistleblowing only relates to reporting parties outside of the organization (Keenan & Krueger, 1992).According to Eaton & Akers, 2007 Figg, 2000 Keenan & Krueger, 1992 tight fitting & Miceli, 2008, whistleblowing can in fact occur internally or externally. Near and Miceli ( 1995) argue that internal auditors have higher credibility and power as whistleblower than other organisational members as they are more likely to influence management to terminate wrongdoing. According to The Global economical Crime Survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCooper (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2009), internal auditing profession is indeed an important role in organizations as most frauds were detected by internal audit.It was supported by Miceli et al. (2008) states compared to other professions, the highest reported observation of wrongdoing was reported by internal auditors. Because of the nature of their works, internal auditors have directly or indirectly seen or confronted many opportunities for corporate wrongdoing and unethical acts to occurs, and the responsibility of disclosure of any wrongdoing is embedded in their job description (Near & Miceli, 1985). Another issue is on whether or not internal auditors should whistleblow when they dis apprehend organisational wro ngdoings.Internal auditors always face situations that involve conflict of interest while executing their dual-role duties (Armold & Ponemon, 1991 E. Z. Taylor & Curtis, 2010). The dual-role duties mentioned here are the role of internal auditors as employed by the organization, which subject to the needs and requirements of their employment, and the role as members of a professional body, they are required to adhere to the professions ethical requirements.Ahmad and Taylor support the view and assert that the role of internal auditors in providing auditing tasks for their organizational may cause ongoing conflicts. Zhang, Chiu and Wei (2009) argue that the disclosing insider information to outsiders breaches obligation to the organization, violates the written or wordless contract, and elicits damaging publicity. However, ethically, internal whistleblowing, as opposed to external whistleblowing, is preferred.This is due to severe damage caused by external whistleblowing as compared to internal whistleblowing (Park & Blenkinsopp, 2009). In order to avoid the severe damages caused by whistleblowing, Vinten (1996) has suggested that an organization may minimize the risk by internalizing the whistleblowing procedure as part of the corporate communications. By having a proper whistleblowing procedure, organizations stand to benefit from actions of whistleblowers that may cause further substantial adverse consequences such as loss of sales, costly lawsuits and negative publicity. passkey Behaviour The general public demand professional accountants maintain a high ethical standard in order to maintain public confidence in the account profession (Gordon Kiernander, 2009). The ethical principles that guide the work of auditors are listed as follows * Integrity * Objectivity * Professional competence and Due Care * Confidentiality * Professional Behavior (Farid Kerimov, 2011)Then, the professional look has been defined as high expectations for the auditing profession include compliance with laws and regulations and avoidance of any conduct that might bring discredit to auditors work, including actions that would cause an objective third party with knowledge of the pertinent information to conclude that the auditors work was professionally deficient. Professional behavior includes auditors putting forth an honest effort in functioning of their duties and professional services in consonance with the relevant technical and professional standards (Government Auditing Standards, 2010).The main objective of an auditor is to purvey services at the highest standards of performance to satisfy public interest (Michael C. Knapp, 2009). However, frequently, users dont have the needful ability to appreciate if the services offered by the auditor are or are not in accordance qualitatively with their requests, intellect of which they are forced to accept till the contrary test that the auditors act in a fit and professional way.The guarantee of integrity and professional competency of an auditor can be assured by the adhesion of them at an ethical code of the profession to which they belong (R. A. Kishore Nadkarni, 2000). If internal auditors or the internal audit activity is prohibited by law or regulation from conformity with certain parts of the Standards, conformance with all other parts of the Standards and appropriate disclosures are needed.Then, IIAs International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) is essential in meeting the responsibilities of internal auditors and the internal audit activity (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010). According to IIAs International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) Internal auditing is conducted in diverse legal and heathen environments within organizations that vary in purpose, size, complexity, and structure and by persons within or outside the organization.While differences may collide with the practice of internal auditing in each environment, conformance with The IIAs International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) is essential in meeting the responsibilities of internal auditors and the internal audit activity (The Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010). Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing differentiate among the varied responsibilities of the entity, the internal audit department, the director of internal auditing, and internal auditors.The responsibilities as a consultant or internal auditor are listed as follows I. Internal auditors should be autonomous of the activities they audit. II. Internal audits should be performed with proficiency and due professional care. III. The scope of internal auditing should encompass the examination and valuation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organizations system of internal control and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities. IV.Audit work s hould include planning the audit, examining and evaluating information, communication results, and follow up. V. The Director of Internal Auditing Should decently Manage the Internal Audit Department. (IIA Standards, 2010) The Public Interest revelation Act 1998 (the Act) amended the Employment Rights Act 1996 and created a right to redress, enforceable by tribunal, in the event of below the belt discrimination or inflammation by ones employer as a result of whistleblowing making a disclosure in the public interest.The Act sets conditions as to the subject matter of the disclosure, the motivation and beliefs of the worker, and the person(s) to whom the disclosure is made (Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998). According to Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, the purposes of the act are I. It aims to help proscribe such disasters and corporate malpractice in general by encouraging workers with relevant information to come off responsibly. II.The Act seeks to achieve this by off ering a right to redress in the event of victimisation if workers raise their concerns in the ways specified in the legislation. III. It is also hoped that the Act will promote a change in culture amongst employers, and encourage them to establish procedures to receive disclosures in good faith and act on them appropriately. The scope of the Act includes disclosures which, in the reasonable belief of the worker, show one or more of the following, taking place either in the past, the present, or likely to take place in the future tense * A crime Breach of a legal obligation (regulatory, administrative, contract law or frequent law) * Miscarriage of justice (for which the appropriate prescribed person in England and Wales is the Chief Executive of the Criminal Cases check up on Commission) * Danger to health and safety (for which the appropriate prescribed person is the Health and Safety Executive, or the relevant local authority) * Damage to the environment (for which the appropri ate prescribed person in England and Wales is the Environment Agency) or * Attempts to cover up such malpractice.Apart from that, whistleblowers making an external disclosure to a prescribed person, instead of to their employer or via internal procedures, will be entitled to redress under the Act in the event that they suffer unfair discrimination or dismissal provided they * make the disclosure in good faith * reasonably cogitate that the information, and any allegation it contains, are substantially true and * reasonably believe that the matter falls within the description of matters for which the person is prescribed.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Performance Appraisal Case Study on ââ¬ÅDada Corporationââ¬Â
exploit approximation and line buckle undergrade Process A human face study on protactinium tummy IntroductionPage a) memoir of the government2 b) Objective of the nerve3 c) Function of the brass3 d) Role of the organization in the Economic Development of Bangladesh5 e) faceal Structure7 f) Mission of the organization9 g) mass of the organization9 Research Methodology a) precept of the study10 b) Objectives of the study10 Findings and Analysis a) Brief Description of the organization11 b) stupefy effect approximation and line of products military rank member of the organization11 ) Benefit of present performance assessment and Job military rank transition13 d) Resistance to Present performance judgement and Job paygrade work on13 e) How Present performance estimate and Job evaluation process should be effective? 14 Conclusion & Suggestion a) Conclusion15 b) Suggestion15 * Bibliography/ deferred payment16 * Enclosures/Graphics/Charts16 slaying approxima tion and Job military rating Process A case study on pop Corporation Introduction a) History of the organization In 1974, menses CEO, Boo YI Park starts a humble but bold headwear manufacturing subscriber line concern with further 5 sewing machines. 974 1988 Venturing into headwear business popping traces its root to Daedo trading, a company pops current CEO B. Y. Park established in 1974. Believing that issueing raw materials and subsequently processing and exportation them as a business with no buttocks, Park always wanted to start a manufacturing business. sequence Park was traveling in the United States in the early 1970s, he noniced many impertinent(a) and old people wearing sports caps with affection. Park immediately decided to venture into headwear business and set up a sm altogether business in the Southern part of Seoul in 1976 with just 5 sewing machines. 989 pop music establishes its offset overseas operations, P. T. dadaism Inthroughsia at Purwakarta, I n dosia. 1991 pascal establishes tonic Dhaka Ltd. at Dhaka, Bangladesh. 1993 pa establishes dad Savar Ltd. at Dhaka, Bangladesh. 1997 daddy launches Paxko Ltd. at Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2000 Dada establishes Pax(Suzhou) Textile Products Co. , Ltd. China. 2002 Dada establishes Unipax Co. , Ltd. Vietnam. 2007 Dada has perfect a new building for knitwear intersection alone with 70 knitwear output line at P. T. Dada Indonesia. 2010 Currently it is going to launch a new factory videlicet P&K room at Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.Dada is on the way to be a international textile products company. b) Objective of the organization base on our expertness gain form the headwear business we have successfully expanded our business portfolio. We invested $30 millions alone to diversify our business portfolio in 2007 which will be increasing 10% every class manger 2015 to achieve our objective cosmos class total textile Products Company. Having started knitwear outturn since 2007, Dada pri ncipal(prenominal)tains successful partnerships with global commercialize draws such as Adidas. Reebok, Gap, Wal-Mart, Sears, Kohls, and K-mark. Dada also is going to uild a new factory in Gazipur, Dhaka. c) Function of the organization Headwear Business As the worlds biggishst and steer headwear manufacturing business Dada boasts a global market sh ar of 45% in the sports cap market. Dada made sports hats are supplied to all teams of the four around popular U. S. major professional sports leagues Counting 80 or so major global retailers as its business partners for Headwear products, from Adidas, Reebok, and Nike to specialized golf brands such as Callaway and TaylorMade, Dada is successfully putting on the world market divers(a) ODM (original employment manufacturer) products of Sports cap.Bag Business Dada strengthened Moland Co. in Vietnam for clench production in 2007. Making design of the ideal working environs and excellent production rung, the Moland factory ende avors to manufacture products of the highest quality. Digitized patterns utilise CAD and CAM, strict materials inspection, production management accord to Lean body, in-house embroidery & printing and packaging, performance testing and to a greater extent, all adds to Molands effort to manufacture the crush quality product. Dada supplies high quality products to global brands including CamelBak, Haglofs, Jack wolfksin, Ortovax, Thorka Yak Pak and more.Apparel Business Having started production in 2005, Dada maintains successful partnerships with global market leaders such as Adida, Reebok, Gap, Sears, Walmart, Kohls and K-Mart through its injure execution of production management by Lean system and GSD program. In July 2005, P. T. Dada Indonesia started knitwear production. As of 2009, P. T. Dada Indonesia operates 70 knitwear productions lines with 4,800 production staff, boasting a monthly capacity of 1. 5 million units. Established in 2007 with state of the art production fa cilities, the new knitwear factory at P. T.Dada Indonesia serves as Dadas production base for knitwear. Equipped with in-house printing and embroidery, CAD/CAM, testing laboratories and more, the operation is kn have for accurate on- measure delivery and delivering products of A-one quality. IT Business An affiliate company of Dada, Damonet provides information technology services including ERP, EKP software and IT consulting. In the past decennary of its experience, Damonet has carved out a niche for itself in the integrated proposal system are in S. Korea. Damonet is a gold certified partner of Microsoft. Its main products includes PAX ERP, PAX KMS, eProcurement.R&D and Design In stead of simply supply hat according to the buyers request, Dada started increasing ODM (original design manufacturer) products, where Dada selects fabrics and design and subsequently presents them to the buyers. Approximately 50 personnel comprising a quarter of the entire staff at Dadas headquarter in Seoul, Korea are presently involved in R&D related operations. Lean System and GDS program Implementation Dada maintains successful partnerships with global market leader through its smart execution of production management by Lean system and GSD program.At Dada production is carried out only after complete process analysis through RTF sample and GSD Program using the 3D graphic design program, Brozwear. Implementing Toyotas groundbreaking production system, Lean System, Dada alters productivity and quality, and achieves equal savings. Lean manufacturing is centered around increasing efficiency, decreasing waste based on optimizing flow. Dada adopts one-piece or three-piece flow production and performs 6S(5S + Safety) activities on a daily basis. d) Role of the organization in the Economic Development of BangladeshDada has three sports cap manufacturing and four embroidery factories in Bangladesh since 1991 Dada had launched its first factory at Uttara, Dhaka. From that time it is contributing to our economic development increasingly day by day. pursual demonstration ensures contribution to our economic development. ? Employment Around 4,500 workers and 200 office staffs are working in dadas three factories and four embroidery units in Bangladesh which is increasing day by day. Dada provide handsome salary structure and others compensation and benefits to its workers and office staffs.Workers get extraordinary benefit as it maintains inter case compliance standard for the buyer like Adidas, Reebok, Nike, HNM etc. ? Backward Linkage One of the Dadas slogans is 100% localization. It is on the way to make this true. In 1991, when Dada started its operation in Bangladesh it was fully dependent on imported raw materials which is only 25% now. Dadas devote materials management team is working on it to source 100% raw materials from local market gradually. From 1991 to till now lot of small company had been established who are fully depended on Dada, which help s to boost our economy. Earning import duty and foreign currency Dada is a 100% export oriented sports cap manufacturing company. Dada exports around 12, 00,000 pieces cap per month and import 25% raw materials of its total requirement which helps our government to pull together import duty and foreign currency. ? CSR Dada has its own health divvy up unit and child care unit on its every factory in Bangladesh where worker and their children get free treatment along with free medicine. Dada appoints qualified doctors and nurses to ensure workers health. twenty-four hour period cares are open for all who are fancy up to keep their children while they work.Days cares caretakers are very much cordial to workers child like as own child and workers concentrate to their work without anxiety. ? Technical Competence As 4,500 workers and 200 office staffs work in Dada, they experiencing various technical knowledge regarding sports cap manufacturing such as planning, materials sourcing, b uyer manipulation, etc. Lots of Dada employee established local sports cap manufacturing company in Bangladesh based on this experience. ? Income Tax Around 50 South Korean people are working in Dadas factory in Bangladesh.They are paying income tax to our government and government also getting tax on the pelf of the company. ? Uses of national resources As like others production unit Dada requires lot of power, gas, water and other national resources to continue its production which helps to use our national resources. e) Organizational Structure Every company has its own organization hierarchy to establish chain of command and to ensure smooth operation. As Dada is a large and complex multinational manufacturing company, it organizational structure is highly complex and large.This is a standard organizational hierarchy that Dada follows Standard Organizational Hierarchy Standard Organizational Hierarchy f) Mission of the organization Dada is the pioneer and leader in the sports cap manufacturing sector in the world. Dadas current legation is to be the leader in Bag manufacturing sector. Aiming this, in 2007, Dada already built Moland Co. in Vietnam for bag production. With more than 10 years of experience, Dadas staffs are more than capable of dexterously handling orders from lead brands such as Camelback, Jackwolfskin, Ortovox, Thorka.Molands staffs strictly control for quality once again on products manufactured under Molands optimal environments by conducting complete laboratory performance testing including rhythm mileage testing, handle twist and jerk testing and tumbling testing. g) Vision of the organization Dada has present its commitment throughout the years to a set of core values including integrity, innovation, and standardization. Dada has since expanded its business portfolio to knitwear and bags, in turn transforming itself into a leading diversified textile products company.Worlds No. 1 headwear manufacturer As the worlds leading headwe ar manufacturer Dada already captures a global market share of 45% in the sports cap market. Dada made sports hats are supplied to all teams of the four most popular U. S. major professional sports leagues, Namely NFl, MLB, NBA, and NHL. Counting 80 or so major global retailers as its business partners, from Adidas, Reebok, and Nike to specialized golf brands such as Callaway and TaylorMade, Dada is successfully putting on the world market various ODM (original design manufacturer) products.Company that leads change Dada has a proven track take down of aggressively investing in R&D and design in order to develop innovative new products that change the game for its industry, and ultimately contributes to improving the lives of our customers. Dada has cumulatively filed 72 U. S. patents related to headwear. World class total textile Products Company Based on our expertise gain form the headwear business we have successfully expanded our business portfolio. We invested $30 millions al one to diversify our business portfolio in 2007.Having started knitwear production since 2007, Dada maintains successful partnerships with global market leaders such as Adidas. Reebok, Gap, Wal-Mart, Sears, Kohls, and K-mark. Dada also built a new factory in Vietnam for bags production. Consumer driven company Dadas service not only focuses on delivering to customers their primary needs, such as product quality and 100% on-time delivery. Dada is spatiotemporal manufacturing and service solution providing company that proactively seeks the wants and unarticulated needs of customers, with the goal of achieving customer satisfaction, and customer success.Research Methodology a) Rationale of the study execution of instrument appraisal and job evaluation is the integral part of an organization. Human are the main asset of an organization only when it is directed and utilized s distinctionlacedly. If organization can develop and implement proper job performance and job evaluation metho d, this can help an organization to achieve its goal by developing productive employees. There are many types of job evaluation system followed by the various organizations. Each of them has its own advantage and disadvantage.Without job evaluation an organization cannot assess their employees performance and cannot pay set aside pay, benefit and reward. As a result the organization might lose productive employee which will conk out to attain it objectives. b) Objectives of the study I. To know about Dada Corporation. II. Performance appraisal and job evaluation method followed by Dada Corporation. III. Benefit of the present performance appraisal and job evaluation process followed by Dada Corporation. IV. Resistance to the present performance appraisal and job evaluation process followed by Dada Corporation.V. Present performance appraisal and Job evaluation process should be more effective which is followed by Dada Corporation? Findings and Analysis a) Brief Description of the organization Since its establishment in 1974 as a headwear manufacturer, Dada has demonstrated its commitment throughout the years to a set of core values including integrity, innovation, and standardization. Dada has since expanded its business portfolio to knitwear and bags, in turn transforming itself into a leading diversified textile products company.Dada maintains successful partnerships with global market leaders such as Adidas. Reebok, Gap, Wal-Mart, Sears, Kohls, and K-mark. b) Present performance appraisal and Job evaluation process of the organization Dada believes on equal opportunity and Behaviorally Anchored military rank Scale. Thus it distributed 60% (30% + 30%) of the total points for Attitude and Performance. valuation points distribution Attendance points (25 %) paygrade 3-month basis A. Lateness / early left (15%) for personal reasons onlyfrequency -3= 15 points Frequency -6= 10 point Frequency -9= 5 points Frequency over 9= 0 points B. Absent / give ways (10 %) 1. Present all work-days = 10 points 2. Unauthorized absent Day 1 or more = 0 point 3. Leave enjoyed AFTER approval Casual leave = 8 points Sick leave= 8 points 4. Leave enjoyed WITHOUT information but approved later on Casual leave Day 1= 8 points Day 2= 6 points Day 3= 4 points Over 3 days= 0 points Sick leave = 4 points Suggestion points (5%) Evaluation 3-months basis NO suggestion= 0 point suggestion= 3 points 2 suggestions= 4 points 3 suggestions= 5 points impertinently initiatives/Loss hunting (10%) Based on implemented ideas/ cost savings/ new income through sales etc points will be considered as 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or 10. And as usual Attitude (30%) and Performance (30%) points will be considered to gauge a staff out of total 100%. Performance Appraisal Form Dada Corporation Performance Appraisal Form Employee IDDate of Appraisal Employee NameDate of joining Designation perfect year in service DepartmentQuarter Total points earned Attendance (out of 25) Suggestion (out of 5) New initiatives/Loss hunting (out of 10) Attitude (out of 30) Performance (out of 30) c) Benefit of present performance appraisal and Job evaluation process Dada constantly takes stock of its workforce and assesses its performance in existing jobs to get pastime major benefit ? To improve organizational performance via improving the performance of individual contributors (should be an self-activating process in the case of good managers, but (about annually) two key questions should be posed What has been done to improve the performance of a person last year? and what can be done to improve his or her performance in the year to come? ). To identify potential, i. e. to recognize existing talent and to use that to fill vacancies higher in the organization or to transfer individuals into jobs where better use can be made of their abilities or developing skills. ? To provide an equitable method of linking payment to performance where there are no numerical criteria (oft en this salary performance review takes place about three months later and is unbroken quite separate from 1. and 2. but is based on the same assessment). d) Resistance to Present performance appraisal and Job evaluation process It is very tough to develop and implement a proper Performance appraisal and Job evaluation system.There are lots of resistances that Dada face to implement its Performance appraisal and Job evaluation system which are as follows- ? Identification of the appraisal criteria is one of the biggest problems faced by top level management. The performance data to be considered for evaluation should be carefully selected. For the purpose of evaluation, the criteria selected should be in quantifiable or measurable terms. Thus Dada very frequently checks validity of its Performance appraisal and Job evaluation system. ? Top management of Dada should choose the raters carefully. They should have the required expertise and the knowledge to decide the criteria accurate ly.They should have the experience and the necessary training to carry out the appraisal process objectively. ? Many errors based on the personal bias like stereotyping, halo effect (i. e. one trait influencing the evaluators rating for all other traits) etc. may creep in the appraisal process. Therefore the rater should exercise objectivity and fairness in evaluating and rating the performance of the employees. ? The appraisal process of Dada faces others resistance from the employees, the trade unions, political leader and local people for the fear of negative ratings. Therefore, the employees should be communicated and clearly explained the purpose as well the process of appraisal.Dada maintains good relationship with all related parties like trade unions, politician and local people to make appraisal process fair and effective. e) How Present performance appraisal and Job evaluation process should be effective? Performance Appraisal and Job evaluation process could be more effe ctive by taking following initiatives against the Resistance of the Appraisal and evaluation process. ? Performance appraisal should not be a one-way communication event. Employees should have opportunity to discuss their performance raise questions about the facts raise and to add their own data about their work that will reduce their Emotion. ? Should be careful to avoid the unjustified evaluation Criteria used and the objective should be clear and in all respect. Appraisers must be trained about the Appraisal and Job evaluation process for better Judgment. ? Appraisal must be error free for correct Judgment we have to remember that at the time of Appraisal and Job evaluation every person who is engaged for preparing the appraisal they must be conscious(predicate) of the legal implications that arise. Conclusion & Suggestion a) Conclusion Performance appraisal means evaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards. On the other hand Job evaluation is the formal process by which the relative worth of various jobs in the organization is determined for pay purpose.The main objective of the Performance appraisal and job evaluation is to measure the current level of the employee and to feat to relate the amount of the employees pay to the extent that her or his job contributes to organizational effectiveness. In this case study I tried to know the performance appraisal system, resistance, benefit and to know how it could be more effective on the practical ground of an 100% export oriented sports cap manufacturing company namely Dada Corporation. b) Suggestion Organization achievement is largely depends on the utilization of human resources. Organization should foster productive employee to attain its goal successfully and effectively which is totally depended on the appropriate Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation system. Thus, I think Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation system should be- ?First compa ny should develop and implement a standard Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation system according to its ability. ? Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation system should be clearly stated to the employee and supported by the employee and management to maintain possible expenses. ? Standard Appraisal form should be genuine and published publicly. ? Performance Appraisal should be done periodically. ? Validity of Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation system should be done periodically. Over all, Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation should be done without any bias, nepotism and favoritism it should be based on the employees quality and quantity of work, productivity, attitude, educational ualification, attendance, dedication, skill, efficiency, ability, concentration, etc. * Bibliography/Reference ? Test book Human Resource anxiety Decenzo/Robbins 6th Edition ? Dada Corporations web site www. dada. co. kr ? Class lecture. ? Dada Corporations Administration and HRD depar tment. Enclosures/Graphics/Charts No graphics, charts are enclosed. CEO China CEO Vietnam CEO Indonesia CEO Bangladesh Chairman President Planning yield Accounts Sales prevalent Affairs Trade R&D ERP Help Desk GM Factory2 Production Management Pre Production Team Local R&D Country CEO Director GM General GM Factory1 HRD Commercial Accounts & Finance IT Administration Materials Management
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